## Maintaining Your Mouthpiece: A Guide to Proper Care
More details <a href=https://travelerschat.com/scuba-diving/what-is-the-scuba-diving-mouthpiece-called/>https://travelerschat.com/scuba-diving/what-is-the-scuba-diving-mouthpiece-called/</a>
**2. ** **Freediving Mouthpieces:** Freediving mouthpieces are designed specifically for freediving, a discipline that involves holding your breath for extended periods underwater. These mouthpieces often feature a longer, more flexible tube to accommodate the unique breathing techniques used in freediving. They may also have a larger bite block to provide extra stability and jaw support.
### Customizing Your Comfort
Imagine a simple plastic tube, the kind you might use for a straw, but with a few key modifications. That's the essence of the scuba mouthpiece, a carefully engineered piece of equipment that delivers vital air to the diver.
* **Ergonomic Shapes:** Mouthpiece designers began to focus on ergonomics, creating bite blocks that were contoured to the natural shape of the mouth. This significantly reduced jaw fatigue and improved comfort.
**1. Regular Cleaning:** After each dive, rinse your mouthpiece thoroughly with clean water to remove any salt, sand, or other debris. You can use a mild"